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- Capital Public Radio "Insight" interview 1-14-24: Spinoza's Dream Benefit Concert for MOW Yolo discussed with Vicki Gonzalez (host), Dave Nachmanoff (musician), and Joy Cohan (MOW Yolo Executive Director). Listen here! (scroll down to the “Dave Nachmanoff” segment)
- West Sacramento News Ledger 10-2-24: Meals on Wheels Sits Down
- KCRA, 8-24-24: Yolo County pilot program aims to reduce waste of Meals On Wheels packaging for seniors
- Daily Democrat, 8-17-24: Environmental pilot project partners Recology Davis and Meals on Wheels Yolo County
- Davis Enterprise, 7-2-24: Frerichs raises more than $55K for Meals on Wheels
- ABC 10 KXTV, 6-3-24: Meals on Wheels Yolo County loses $10K worth of food after vandals cut power
- Daily Democrat 5-2-24: Winters Senior Nutrition Center boosts city’s senior support services, expands Meals on Wheels’ reach
- Daily Democrat 7/23/23: Ribbon Cutting Held for New Meals on Wheels Yolo Country Administrative Office
- Davis Enterprise 5/23/23: Dodd Names Cohan as Woman of the Year for Yolo County
- Daily Democrat 5/6/23: Joy Cohan Accelerates Meals on Wheels Yolo County's Growth