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Join the 2024-2025 Drivers' Circle Today!

Join the 2024-2025 circle by making a singular gift or collective gifts over time to reach your selected level between now and June 30, 2025.

Your investment this year drives MOW Yolo's impact upon senior nutrition and isolation in Yolo County, making possible our Operation Accelerate "Eat Well, Age Well" phase goals to elevate senior nutrition for more local aging adults.

Individuals, businesses, and corporate partners are invited to the Drivers' Circle.  We'll work with you on custom recognition and payment plans that benefit you.  Donations may be made – in whole now or over time – by credit card, bank debit, check, stocks or other securities, or via a qualified IRA distribution.  Learn more about these options here.

To make a Drivers' Circle commitment, explore custom recognition and payment options, or for other questions, please contact Joy Cohan, Executive Director,

Please view the 2023-2024 Drivers' Circle supporters HERE.

Become a part of Yolo County’s ultimate, high-value social circle.

Sustaining senior nutrition and socialization in Yolo County.

When you belong, Yolo County Seniors Thrive!

2024 -2025 DRIVERS’ CIRCLE

* Indicates MOW Yolo Board member. ** Indicates past MOW Yolo Board member.


$50,000+ = 5,000+ Meals

Francis Noz Heritage Fund
Friends of Meals on Wheels


$25,000+ = 2,500+ Meals

Dignity Health
Kay and Ernie Hodges
Sutter Health


$10,000+ = 1,000+ Meals

Lisa Hanks Baxter and John Baxter
Cat Tales Feline Health Center
Jeanne Oster and Douglas Hodell
Sally and Steve Rogers
Sierra Health Foundation
Carolyn Sunny Shine


$5,000+ = 500+ Meals

Heather Hough and Bobby Batista, Cal Foods Logistics, Susan and Roy Curry, Louise Dumars, Dorothea Hoover, Jeanne and John Johnson, Bridget* and Jeff Levich, Diane Makley, PG&E, Marilou and Robert Rennie, Riverview International Trucks, Elise Smith-Hoefer, M.D., The George and Lena Valente Foundation, Sandy Vickrey*


$2,500+ = 250+ Meals

AARP California, Dr. James Barrett**, Marlene Bell, Clyde and Ruth Bowman, Camille Chan, Annette Cody and Leon Schimmel, Davis CPA, Amy DelBondio, Lester DeWall and Mary Stephens DeWall, Anne Garbeff and Bruce Behrens, Robert Glauz, Grazia and Michael Jaroff, Edwards Kress, Dawn Paladini, Heidi and Robert Smith, Linda Sternberg, Ronald Voss

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