Your donation invests in healthy outcomes for local seniors, as well as the opportunity to age in place longer.
Please use the form on this page to make an online gift to nourish seniors today. For additional donation options, please see the information below.
Donation Planning
Donate Online Today: Please use the form on this page to choose a one time donation or a recurring monthly donation.
Donate by Check: To donate by check, please make checks payable to Meals on Wheels Yolo County and mail to: P.O. Box 528, Woodland, CA 95776-0528
Donor Advised Funds: also known as DAFs, these funds establish a flexible vehicle for annual charitable giving, potentially with some tax advantages. You can make grants from your DAF to benefit MOW Yolo and other nonprofits of your choice during your lifetime, and your heirs later can carry on your legacy of giving. For assistance with making a DAF grant to MOW Yolo, please contact Engagement Manager Bonnie Sanchez at bsanchez@mowyolo.org or call 530-662-7035. To learn more about establishing a Donor Advised Fund, consider Yolo Community Foundation at https://www.yolocf.org/.
Qualified IRA Distribution: if you are 70½ or older, you may be eligible to make a tax-free or reduced tax qualified charitable distribution from your IRA to MOW Yolo. Please contact your IRA plan administrator to learn more.
Gifts of Stocks and Other Securities: donating appreciated securities, including stocks or bonds, is an easy and tax-effective way for you to make a meaningful gift to MOW Yolo. To initiate an electronic transfer from your brokerage account to MOW Yolo, or to consult regarding securities held in certificate form, please contact Executive Director Joy Cohan at jcohan@mowyolo.org, 530-383-1814.
Planned Legacy Giving: a bequest is an easy and memorable way to perpetuate your commitment to MOW Yolo's mission beyond your lifetime. With the help of a legal and/or tax advisor, you can include language in your will or trust specifying MOW Yolo as a beneficiary while still providing for family, friends, or other heirs. To learn more, please reach out to Executive Director Joy Cohan at jcohan@mowyolo.org, 530-383-1814.
Meals on Wheels Yolo County is an independent 501(c)3 nonprofit organization, tax ID number 94-1599229. All financial contributions are tax deductible. If you are interested in viewing more in-depth financial and tax information for our organization, you can find our most recent 990 form here and our most recent audited financials here.
Thank you for your generosity to advance healthy outcomes for Yolo County seniors!
Contact MOW Yolo County
Phone: 530.662.7035
Email: info@mowyolo.org